Monday, June 29, 2020


Register by July 8 to Cast Your Vote on August 4 Ballot

On Tuesday, August 4th, voters in Missouri will have the opportunity to vote on a ballot measure called Amendment 2, which amends the Missouri Constitution to “adopt Medicaid Expansion for persons 19 to 64 years old with an income level at or below 133% of the federal poverty level.” Your vote is critical.

The referendum prohibits making eligibility requirements more strict for the expanded group than what the more limited group faces. It requires state agencies to maximize funding received from the federal government for expanding Medicaid in Missouri, making millions of dollars available for health coverage to Missouri’s poor.

Medicaid is a critical part of our healthcare system, providing coverage for people with limited incomes. But in states like Missouri that have not yet expanded Medicaid, many people fall into what is called the “coverage gap” - a no-pay zone where poor and mostly working Missourians live without the benefit of health insurance and cannot receive subsidy or help with their premiums as their peers in 36 states across the nation do.

Medicaid expansion would allow those poor Missourians to get basic coverage they need to take care of themselves and face health crises of any kind head on –  even things like COVID-19!  Employer-based health coverage is being cut drastically due to COVID and people need help, NOW!  Nearly one-quarter million Missourians would receive help through expansion - and that’s a figure before COVID-19 happened resulting in thousands more laid off workers who now have no income for health coverage.

The expansion of Medicaid in Missouri is funded by tax dollars that Missourians pay and receive no benefit. In effect, the expansion “brings our tax dollars home,” putting that money back into local communities, creating jobs and supporting hospitals from inner city urban areas to small rural communities  - the very settings that are struggling to keep their doors open.

We need every voter in Missouri to register to vote by July 8 in order to cast a ballot on August 4 for Medicaid expansion in Missouri. Do you part and take action, spread the word.

For more information about keeping our communities healthy through the Missouri Medicaid expansion and how you can support this initiative, go to 

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